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How many journalists can you fit in a selfie?

by Orchard News
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There was a distinctly social feel about the 2014 Orchard Media Quiz. Sandwiched in between five rounds of fiendishly difficult questions on events of the last 12 months Guernsey's most prominent journalists and editors were asked to get their selfies on and recreate a famous photo.

The competition itself was close, with eventual quiz winners 'Agatha Quiztie' from BBC Guernsey starting strongly with a flawless politics round. They held off the challenge of last year's runners up 'Oscar Quiztorius' from Island FM for much of the evening. A late charge by 'God Knows We're Quizerable Now' from the Guernsey Press threatened briefly, but ultimately they had to settle for second place.

Unfortunately for 'Universally Challenged', they finished the night in last place, and took home the booby prize for the second year in a row.

Here is that winning selfie!

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